Addresses and Contacts
If you want to contact us, please turn to Regine Barth or Franziska Wolff. In case you have questions regarding specific parts of the project you can figure out the responsible researcher on the site “The Team” and may contact them directly.

Öko-Institut/ Institute for Applied Ecology

Rheinstraße 95

64295 Darmstadt


Contact: Regine Barth, Franziska Wolff

Fridjof Nansen Institute

P.O. Box 326

1326 Lysaker


Contact: Dr. Jørgen Wettestadt

Stockholm Environment Institute

Lilla Nygatan 1

Box 2142

103 14 Stockholm


Contact: Maria Bohn

Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

Corso Magenta 63

20123 Milano


Contact: Federica Viganò

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Mûegyetem rkp. 3-9

1111 Budapest


Contact: Prof. Tamas Palvölgyi

Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung (ISOE)/

Institute for Social-Ecological Research

Hamburger Allee 45

60486 Frankfurt am Main


Contact: Dr. Irmgard Schultz

Peter Wilkinson Associates

Project Consultant to Transparency International

for the “Business Principles for Countering Bribery”


1 Vernon Road

East Sheen

London SW14 8NH

United Kingdom

Contact: Peter Wilkinson